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Lean on Me (The Mackay Sisters) Page 20

  She smiled dreamily up at him. “Uh-huh.”

  “Are you fiddling with my manly nipples?”


  “Cool.” He leered. “Later you can diddle with my-”

  His words were cut off by her hands clasping his cheeks, yanking him down as she rose on tip-toe to give him a hot, sensual kiss that practically had the soles of his shoes smoking.

  By the time she drew back, his shaft was hard, his blood was sizzling, and he’d forgotten all about her visitor.

  Unfortunately, she hadn’t. Placing one hand on his chest, she licked her lips and peered up at him sultrily from beneath thick lashes. “I have to go.”

  “Really?” He reached for her. “How about one more kiss for the road.”

  “You’ve already managed to unbutton my blouse.”

  “I’m multi-talented.”

  Avoiding his hands, laughing with a definite husky edge, she fumbled with the buttons. “Later, Matt.”

  “Do I get a reward for being a good boy and obeying?” Man, he wanted her. She looked so sexily dishevelled. How about that? He didn’t even remember unbuttoning her blouse or pulling the ribbon from her hair, but there was the proof in the lacy bra peeking out at him from the opening of her blouse, the creamy flesh rising above it taunting him, and the thick hair that spilled around her shoulders in a way that screamed tangle your fingers here! “Or how about we forget about being helping people and just go to your room now?”


  “My house?”

  “No, Matt.”

  “The backyard? I’m getting desperate.”

  The sound of a fresh outburst of tears had her shaking her head even as she grinned. “Sorry. Come over later, okay?”

  One last smile and the door was shut in his face.

  Sighing, Matt turned away from the door to find Ghost hanging over the fence watching him. Mort was doing a balancing act along the fence, walking dexterously along it, up Ghost’s arm, across his shoulders, down his other arm and along the other side of the fence.

  Ghost didn’t bat an eyelid. “Hey, Matt.”

  “Ghost.” Matt sighed and jerked his thumb at the closed door. “Visitor.”

  “Yep.” Ghost studied him. “So, you had a productive week.”

  “Huh?” Matt jumped down off the veranda and approached the fence, straightening his t-shirt that Lori had pulled awry.

  Ghost arched one eyebrow. “You and Lori.”

  “Oh.” He couldn’t stop the big grin. “Yeah.”

  “Lori and the episode at the supermarket.”

  “Heard about that, did you?”

  “Lori and the dust-up at the café.”

  “Actually, that was Lori and Ali.”

  “Those Mackay girls.” Ghost shook his head. “What can a man do with ‘em?”

  “Stay in their good books.”

  Laughing, Ghost plucked Mort off the fence and slung him over his shoulder, where Mort hung down contentedly. “Drink?”

  Matt looked back at the house. “Seeing as I’ve nothing better to do right now, sure.”

  “Come over.”

  Matt jumped the fence and followed Ghost up onto his veranda.

  Opening the door, Ghost looked at Matt. “Lori can look after herself. She’s not that helpless.”

  Matt nodded.

  “But you ever hurt her,” Ghost said, “and I’ll punch your lights out.”

  Matt met his gaze steadily. “I’ll never hurt her.”

  Ghost nodded. “Okay.” He walked into the house. “What the hell…? Abraham!”


  Harriet was sobbing up a storm. Her face was red from crying, her nose shiny, and her hiccups punctuated every sentence.

  “Now listen.” Ali poured more hot tea from the pot into the mug. “You have to pull yourself together.”

  “I c-can’t,” Harriet sobbed. “Tommy wants us to g-go public but it won’t work! I know it w-won’t work.”

  Silently, Lori handed her the box of tissues.

  With a grimace, Ali shifted the bin right up beside Harriet, who tipped her handful of soggy tissues into it.

  “Look, I know there’s a difference,” Ali said. “But if you want to keep him, you’re going to have to meet him halfway.”

  “That’s easy for you to s-say, you already have your man.” Harriet blew her nose.

  “And it wasn’t easy, let me tell you.”

  “You caught him, obviously.”

  Lori looked at Ali. In fact, it had been Ghost doing the chasing, but at Ali’s slight head shake, she kept quiet.

  “But he’s worth it,” Ali continued. “You have to decide if Tommy’s worth it.”

  “Tommy is worth it,” Harriet wailed. “It’s me who isn’t!”

  “You shouldn’t run yourself down,” Lori scolded.

  “Easy for you to s-say.”

  Geez, the drama. Lori rolled her eyes. “Yeah, it’s easy for me to say, because I accept who I am. Cripes, Harriet, I’ll never be the slim supermodel. Look.” She thrust her hands out. “Oil stains from working at the servo. And look at this.” She pointed to her derriere. “Does that look like a model arse to you?”

  Ali laughed.

  Harriet barely glanced at it.

  “No,” Lori answered her own question. “Ali and I have big arses-”

  “Hey,” Ali said. “My backside is rubenesque.”

  “Says who?”

  “The man who likes to grope it.”

  Ignoring her sister, Lori sat down opposite Harriet. “Harriet, do you want to give up Tommy?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Do you want to break up with him?”

  “You know I don’t.”

  “I also know that your relationship is fast heading that way, because he’s not going to hide forever.”

  Sniffing, Harriet started to pluck the tissue she held. “You know why I can’t make our relationship public.”

  Picking up a Tim Tam, Ali waved it in the air. “Let me give you a tip, Harry-”

  “Please don’t call me that. I prefer my full name. I’m not a boy.”

  “Whatever.” Unfazed, Ali took a bite of bickie and continued. “Nothing stays private for long in Peeron. There are a few people living here who can sniff out secrets, and trust me, your secret won’t be one for much longer.”

  Harriet’s eyes widened. “You wouldn’t tell? Lori!” Her panicked gaze swung to Lori. “You promised you wouldn’t tell!”

  “I won’t. We won’t. But I saw Tommy leaving your house, and pretty soon someone else is going to see. Sneaking around doesn’t go unnoticed for long. I’m surprised it wasn’t all over town a couple of weeks ago.”

  Harriet bit her lip.

  Popping the tab of the Diet Coke can, Lori added, “You’ve just got to decide whether you’re going to let your relationship with Tommy be found out on your terms, or through gossip.”

  “This place is unbelievable,” Harriet mumbled.

  “It is pretty special,” Ali agreed proudly.

  “I don’t think that was meant in a complimentary fashion, sis.”

  “I know. I just prefer to live in my own little dream world.”

  Lori grinned.

  Harriet blew her nose, ditched the tissue in the bin, took out another from the box and wiped her eyes. “Do you know how hard it is to avoid gossip?”

  “You’re asking us?” Lori retorted.

  “Are you kidding me?” Ali added. “Haven’t you been listening to the talk in town? Apparently Lori has flipped her wig. You don’t call that gossip?”

  “And Ali was been the talk of the town not long ago.” Lori took a sip of Diet Coke.

  “And everyone knows that Matt sneaks over here at night time.”

  “Everyone?” Lori was taken-aback.


  “Wow.” Lori blinked, then grinned, her cheeks flushing. “Okay.”

  “See?” Ali turned to Harriet. “My sister is proud to be kn
own as the woman shagging the local paramedic.”

  “Wait! What?” Lori was startled, then she shrugged. It was too late now. “Oh. Well yes, yes I am.”

  “So you see, taking the bull by the horns and showing up brazenly proclaiming yourself the girlfriend of Tommy will take the wind out of the gossipers’ sails.”

  “You really don’t think they’ll talk anyway?” Harriet asked a touch sarcastically.

  “Sure they will, but you get in first.”

  “That’s the most illogical thing I’ve ever heard.”

  “Not as illogical as losing Tommy because you’re too scared to stand up and be who you are,” Lori stated quietly.

  Harriet’s mouth was open to give a sharp retort, but she slowly closed it without saying anything.

  After a couple of second’s silence, Lori placed the can on the table. “You have two choices, Harriet. Either come out loud and proud, or give up and go home.”

  “I live in Peeron. This is home.”

  “So give up and see Tommy every day and know you could have had something more. Geez, if it doesn’t worry him, why are you so worried?”

  Harriet looked down at the table. “I told you. You know why.”

  Leaning forward, Ali placed her hand on Harriet’s. “And the problem is yours, not Tommy’s. I know this, Lori knows it, and so do you.”

  “But everyone else…”

  “Your choice, Harriet.” Ali glanced up at Lori. “We all make a choice.”

  Harriet left not long after, and obviously the blokes had been waiting for her to leave because Lori and Ali had just started cleaning up the cups and tea pot when Matt and Ghost came through the back door.

  Ghost gave Ali a grin and a smart smack on the bottom. “Going to share the secret?”

  “Going to share your secret?” she replied, pinching him back.

  “You first.”

  “Like heck.”

  “Then the answer is no.”

  Lori smiled as Matt stopped on the other side of the kitchen bench. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” Leaning across the counter, he crooked his finger at her.

  Seeing the warmth in his eyes had her knees going weak and her heart doing weird flips in her chest. Smiling a little shyly, mindful of her sister and Ghost in the room, Lori leaned forward. “Yes?” They were so close she could feel his warm breath on her lips.

  “Kiss me,” he ordered softly.

  “Are you getting all masterful?” Amused, she kissed him quick and light, drawing back just enough to see his face.

  “You like it.” His expression was serious, but his eyes danced with laughter.

  “It’s the caveman thing,” she acknowledged.

  “Caveman?” Ali made a gaging sound.

  “Quiet,” Ghost admonished her. “This is a private moment.”

  “Not when it’s done in front of me.”

  “Then don’t look,” Lori told her sister.

  “Whoa. Sis, you’re becoming very outspoken since you took up with the ambo bloke.”

  “Ignore her,” Ghost said.

  “I’m only pointing out-”

  “Don’t worry, Matt, I’ll take care of this little loudmouth.”

  There was a muffled squawk and Lori moved her head only enough to peek past Matt. Yep, Ghost had taken care of it, all right. He had Ali pressed up against the wall kissing her thoroughly. For her part, Ali looked like she was trying to climb him.

  Moving her gaze back to Matt, she faked a shudder. “Some things a sister shouldn’t have to see.”

  Matt smiled lazily. Seductively. “Let me wipe out that sight from your mind.”

  He moved so slowly, his lashes lowering as he closed the last inch between them, and then his lips were on hers, firm yet soft, warm, moulding to her, his tongue flicking across the seam of her lips and gently demanding entrance.

  Instant heat flared through Lori, her lips parting as she welcomed him in, luxuriating in his taste, his kiss that while tender held such hot promise. Her heart pounded, her fingers gripping the bench as he slid his hand around her nape to hold her still as he explored her mouth in carnal leisure.

  By the time he lifted his mouth from hers, he was grinning wickedly while she could only lick her lips and gaze up at him.

  “So,” he whispered. “Better?”


  “All right, campers, all right.” Ghost came up beside Matt, elbowing him aside. “Now, if you’ve finished sucking face-”

  “Seriously?” Matt reluctantly released Lori, catching her hand to keep her close. “You’re a bestselling author and the best you can come up with is ‘sucking face’?”

  “I write horror, so ‘sucking face’ isn’t that much of a stretch.” Ghost grinned widely at Lori. “We’re all going for tea and dancing at the pub.”

  “Dancing?” Lori frowned. “For tea, yes, but I haven’t danced for a couple of years.”

  “Sad,” said Matt. “We’ll fix that on Friday night.”

  She eyed him. “You might be sorry when I stand on your toes.”

  “Then we’ll have to duck out to the car for some quick fix-it sex.”

  “There’s a quick fix-it sex?” Ghost asked, intrigued.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Ali warned him.

  “I’m taking the panel van, what’s the problem?”

  “You are not getting quick fix-it sex.” Ali smiled lightly. “Besides, I’m a better dancer than you.”

  “Precisely why I’m bringing the panel van. When I step on your toes, I’ll take you out for some quick fix-it sex.”

  Ali sighed. “Thanks Matt. Thanks very much.”

  Matt grinned. “My pleasure.” He slanted his gaze at Lori. “Very much my pleasure.”

  His thumb slid along her palm and Lori blushed, but she couldn’t help but smile when his eyes started to dance so wickedly.

  “In fact,” Matt said a trifle huskily, “I think I got a boo-boo today.”

  “You’re needing quick fix-it sex?” Lori almost whispered.

  “Oh, gag!” Ali tapped her shoulder. “I’m right here, remember? Geez.”

  “You won’t be for long.” Ghost descended on her with a gleam in his eyes.

  With a shriek, Ali dodged him and ran out into the hall, Ghost in close pursuit. The front door slammed and Matt and Lori were alone.

  Matt smiled, slow and easy. “Gonna fix my boo-boo?”

  Taking a deep breath, Lori came around the kitchen bench and took his hand, leading him to the kitchen door.

  Wondering at her own nerve, she led him through to her bedroom. He followed quietly, and when they stopped by her bed and she turned to look up at him, it was to find him watching her with heated eyes.

  Hesitantly, she bit her lip. “Matt…”

  Leaning down, he brushed a soft kiss across her mouth. “Don’t be afraid, Lori. Whatever you want, you do.”

  Nodding, her heart picking up pace, she slid her hands under his t-shirt. “Can I just touch you?”

  Quizzically, he angled his head to one side. “For the whole night?”

  She grinned. “No. For now.”

  The heat in his eyes shimmered. “In that case, I’m your man.”

  “Glad you know it.” The words were out before she even thought about them, and she quickly looked up at him with a mixture of horror and defiance. But damned if she was going to take the words back, not now.

  “My my.” He laughed low and husky. “Becoming quite bold there, Miss Mackay.”

  Emboldened by his obvious pleasure at her words, Lori slid her hands further up beneath his t-shirt. “I think I’m about to become bolder, Mr Winters.”

  “Please do.” If a man could purr seductively, then Matt was doing it.

  Delighting in the feel of his smooth, warm skin beneath her hands, Lori took the hem of his t-shirt and lifted it up, Matt obligingly taking it from her to draw it up and over his head before flinging it aside.

  Smoothing her hands over his chest, sh
e explored the muscle of his pecs and shoulders, running her hands slowly down his arms, moulding her fingers around his muscular biceps. His stomach was flat, ribbed with muscle, a decent six pack that begged to be touched.

  Loving the feel, the sensation, she lightly raked her nails across the ridges, satisfaction burgeoning inside her when he sucked in his breath.

  Looking up at him, she crooked a finger. When he bent down, she placed her lips to his ear and breathed, “Take your clothes off, Matt.”

  Without hesitation he did as bidden, not once taking his hot gaze from her as he unsnapped the jeans and pushed them down his strong thighs along with his jocks, kicking them aside along with his sneakers and socks.

  Straightening, he stood proudly before her, all male heat, smooth skin and muscle. It made her mouth dry and she licked her lips.

  That drew a muffled groan from Matt.

  “Shhh.” She laid her hands on his hips, pressing her thumbs lightly into his flesh. “Let me look.”

  “If I can last much longer,” he rasped.

  She grinned up at him. “Really?”

  “You have no idea.” Not only was his gaze hot, it was decidedly carnal.

  Keeping his gaze locked with hers, Lori traced her thumbs in the creases of his groin, seeing the way his eyes darkened, the way a faint heat swept his cheeks. But he didn’t move.

  “A little shy?” she whispered.

  He gave a bark of laughter. “No. A hell of a lot turned on.”

  Sliding her palms around to his belly, she felt the head of his shaft nudge her hands. “Ah, I see.”

  “Bet your sweet arse.”

  “Mmmm.” Biting her bottom lip, she noticed his gaze drop to her mouth and deliberately, provocatively, she licked her lower lip.

  “Come here.” Aroused, Matt reached for her. “I’ll teach you about teasing-”

  Catching his hands before he could grab her, Lori surprised him by dropping to her knees. While he looked down at her, she released his hands to run her palms along his buttocks, weighing them, tracing the muscles that flexed beneath her touch.

  “Lori,” he began hoarsely.

  “Wait.” She dropped her gaze to where his shaft stood up against his stomach. “I want to try something.”

  Leaning forward, she licked the entire length of the thick shaft, her tongue laving along the vein that stood out against the underside. The muscles in his buttocks clenched under her hands and she gripped the firm swells tightly, holding him still as she reached the top of his shaft and licked right along the slit in the top.