Lean on Me (The Mackay Sisters) Page 7
“We’ve got a problem.”
“We do?”
His scowl grew darker and he took a step closer. “Yes, we do, and we’re going to discuss it right now.”
That didn’t seem wise. Lori backed up another step. “Look, Tommy, I don’t know what’s going on but it’s none of my business and-”
“Damn right it’s not your business!” Big hands fisted, he took a deep breathe. “It’s no-one’s Goddamn business and if you repeat what you saw-”
“I didn’t see anything, I-”
“’Morning, Lori,” a deep, pleasant, and oh so welcoming voice came from the side fence.
Relieved beyond words, she looked around to see Matt leaning on his fence, his forearms lying across the top as he lazily surveyed her before switching his gaze to Tommy. “G’day, Tommy.”
Tommy glared at him. “Matt.”
“Got a problem?” Matt asked mildly.
Tommy looked from Matt to where Lori stood gripping the broom handle and back again. One deep breath, another, yet a third before he swung away growling, “No problem. See you later, Lori.” He shot her a steely-eyed look over one broad shoulder. “I will see you.” Hands still fisted, he strode back down the garden path and through the small gate to his ute, getting in and driving away without a backward glance.
Not good at confrontations at the best of times, Lori took a deep breath of her own. Okay, that was all entirely unexpected and most unwelcome, but what the hell had it been all about? She’d never had anything to do much with Tommy, so why was he so angry at her?
A movement at the corner of her eyes showed Matt hauling himself easily over her fence to drop into the yard, his sneakered feet hitting the lawn, knees bending to take the impact before he straightened lithely to stroll across the lawn, his hands in his shorts pockets.
Coming to a stop at the foot of the veranda, he gazed up at her. “Everything all right?”
Having two good-looking men in her front yard first thing in the morning was unusual, but she much preferred Matt to an angry Tommy. With Tommy she felt suddenly threatened, but with Matt…well, she felt safe.
Her gaze dropped to him and she attempted a smile. “No worries.”
“Didn’t seem that way to me.” His dark eyes swept over her face.
“Well, you know…” She shrugged.
“No, actually I don’t know.”
Not sure what to say to that, she limped to the wall of the house to lean the broom against it. Her heart was beating a rapid tattoo and she felt a little unsteady from the unexpected visit from Tommy, his aggression a little scary.
There was a sudden warmth at her back, a long arm reaching around her, a big hand taking her own in a strong clasp. “You’re shaking.”
Startled, she swung around, forgetting about her ankle, teetering off balance as it gave a painful twinge.
Immediately Matt steadied her, one arm sliding around her waist as his hand tightened around hers, drawing her up against him.
“Here,” he instructed calmly. “Lean on me.”
Flustered because he felt so warm against her, so close her blood started to go all sluggish and she felt her knees go to jelly, she braced her hand against his chest to keep distance between them. “Oh, no, I’m okay. Really.”
Damn, his chest was hard, hot, his pec swelling right into her palm. Holy cow that was making her cream.
No sooner had the thought hit her than she was horrified. And not only at the thought, but at the fact that her fingers had curled, her palm nestling against that pec, and the sensation of a male nipple was pressing into her palm.
Oh baby. Oh yes. Oh no!
Horrified, she jerked her hand away, her gaze flying up to meet Matt’s, hoping he hadn’t noticed her compulsory groping of his impressively muscular pec. Man boob! Man boob! Think of it as a man boob and it won’t sound so - so - yummy.
Were his dark eyes a little darker than normal? Were they just a little wider? Oh God, no wonder they were wider, he’d probably never had a woman groping him before, well, now.
“Oh, I am so sorry,” she babbled, pressing her palm flat against his sternum, only to whip it away again as soon as she started to mentally salivate at the sensation of both pec swells dipping in the middle. All ripe for a tongue licking - stop it!
What was wrong with her? Her fantasises were starting to fog her brain, seeping out from her dirty dreams to play - oh yeah, baby, play! No! - in reality.
Slapping her palm on the wall right beside her, she swallowed - oh yeah, swallow…stop stop stop! Forcing herself to think straight, she croaked, “You can let me go.”
Matt just continued to look down at her. Okay, stare, really. Probably still shocked to shit, though she’d have thought he’d have dropped her like a piece of hot coal long before now.
Especially after the pec grope.
Not really sure where to look, she dropped her gaze to his chest. “Matt, you can let me go.”
“Lori, are you all right?” he asked quietly, still not removing his arm from her waist.
Oh, that was right, he’d been a witness to the embarrassing little scene in her front yard. No wonder he was still staying close, no doubt he thought she needed help. Well, Lori Mackay was made of sterner stuff, she didn’t need anyone feeling sorry for her.
Lifting her chin, she looked him directly in the eyes. “I’m fine.”
“That seems to be your trademark answer.” His dark eyes were unfathomable as he studied her face.
Looking for tears? Probably. He wasn’t going to find them, though, she never cried in public. Not even when she’d been seven years old and the elastic had given out in her panties and fallen around her ankles. In public. At school, actually, right in front of her whole class. Nope, not one tear had fallen then, though her cheeks had been on fire. Tears were something she did in private.
So if Matt Winters was waiting for tears, they weren’t going to fall.
Pulling her shoulders back, she tapped at his arm, ignoring how warm it was beneath her fingertip, how she could feel the play of muscle against her waist as he moved. “Please remove your arm. I’m perfectly capable of standing on my own two feet.”
This time he did as bidden, even taking a step back.
Feeling a rush of both relief and disappointment at the loss of his nearness, she would have made for the door except he was now standing in front of it. In fact, he turned and leaned his back against the security screen, his gaze studying the street.
“What was that all about?” he asked.
“Tommy?” It was almost with relief that she grasped the subject. “No idea.”
“He seemed crapped off about something.”
“Yep.” When Matt cast her a sidelong glance, she shrugged and repeated, “No idea.”
“Hmmm.” Returning his gaze to the street, he watched a car drive past.
Not knowing quite what else to do, Lori took up the broom again and recommenced sweeping the veranda. “Day off?”
She could feel him scrutinising her. “Yeah.”
“Doing much?”
She glanced at his clothes. “Right.” Man, he could fill out a t-shirt, the worn, soft material hugging his luscious torso. Matt wasn’t overly muscled in a weight-lifting way, not like Ghost, but his muscles were undeniable. The swells of his pecs, the bunching of his biceps and triceps, even his legs in the shorts hinted at muscle. They certainly weren’t scrawny legs and she half wished he wore stubby shorts instead of board shorts. At least stubby shorts would give her a good view of his muscled thighs. Even a glimpse of the proverbial plumber’s crack if he bent over. She bet he had a nice arse. He certainly had a nice one to look at in shorts, so naked - hoo boy.
Talk about sexual harassment, even if he wasn’t aware of her doing it.
Seeking to shift her mind from the titillating thought of what Matt would look like naked, Lori swept the dirt off the edge of the veranda. She really should start trimming the roses.
bsp; “How’s the ankle doing?” Matt queried.
“A little achy but otherwise almost back to normal.”
“Good to see you didn’t sprain it too badly. Just ensure that you rest it today, elevate and some ice.”
“No worries. Thanks.”
There was silence for a few seconds before he asked abruptly, “Do you see much of Tommy?”
Surprised, Lori looked around to find him studying her, his expression unreadable. “I see him around.”
“Are you going out with him?”
“Who, me? No. Whatever made you think that?”
“The fact he came around here obviously angry about something.”
“That doesn’t mean I’m going out with him.” Straightening, she leaned on the broom handle. “That’s a really odd thing to say.”
Matt shrugged. “I thought, maybe, you know, a lover’s tiff.”
She stared at him. “Lover’s tiff? Me and Tommy?”
“It’s not so hard to imagine.” His gaze slid over her.
“Really?” She couldn’t help but laugh. “Me and Tommy?”
He raised his eyebrows. “There’s someone else?”
That stopped the laugh. “There’s no-one else.”
His smile was sudden, big, curving his lips and making his dark eyes crinkle at the corners. “Good.”
Surprised, she could only say, “Okay,” and look away, a little flustered, unsure of exactly what he could mean.
In a romance novel, he’d now declare his undying love for her.
In reality, he was probably just being - well, who knew? She sure as heck didn’t. Right now she had not a clue what men were thinking, not Tommy with his weird anger, nor Matt with his weird replies. Men should definitely come with an operating manual.
A floorboard on the veranda squeaked and then his warmth was beside her, his arm brushing against hers, his clean, uniquely male scent playing havoc with her senses. She actually jumped, her head whipping around to see him looking down at her, his head inclined forward, his dark eyes fastened on her.
“Lori,” he said quietly, “I asked if you’re seeing anyone because-”
“Hellloooooo, kids!”
Whatever Matt had been about to tell her was lost in his groan as he looked away from her towards the street. Lori followed his gaze to see Mrs Hubble standing by her gate, a rolled-up newspaper in her hand and a beaming smile on her red lip-sticked mouth.
“Seriously?” he muttered. “Now? Again?”
Wondering what Matt had been about to ask, Lori gave Mrs Hubble a half-hearted wave. “Hi, Mrs Hubble.”
“Don’t you two look adorable together.” Mrs Hubble beamed even brighter.
Embarrassment swept right through Lori. Oh crap. About to take an automatic step away from Matt, she found herself unable to move, mainly because his hand had hooked into the back of her shirt, holding her in place beside him.
Unfortunately, it pulled the t-shirt she wore tight against her rounded belly. No, it wasn’t flat like Matt’s, it was round. Not sexy. She cringed inwardly and muttered from the side of her mouth, “Let go.”
“Not likely,” he muttered back, right before he raised his voice. “Lovely day, isn’t it?”
“The view is getting better by the minute,” Mrs Hubble replied. “Been over there long?’
Oh shit, she was fishing for information. “No,” Lori said hurriedly. “Matt just got here.”
“I see. Two gentleman visitors?” Mrs Hubble winked.
“I saw Tommy here.” Holding one hand coyly up to her mouth, Mrs Hubble simpered. “Oh, wasn’t I supposed to see that?”
“Tommy?” This was getting out of control. “He just stopped by to - to -”
“Yes, dear?” Mrs Hubble encouraged.
“Yes?” Matt added, looking down at her.
Damned if his mouth wasn’t twitching with humour.
“Oh, you didn’t know.” Mrs Hubble said it with a gasp of unbridled delight. “I saw you, though, you naughty boy.” She waggled her finger at Matt.
“Now you’re for it,” Lori muttered almost gleefully. “And serve you right for encouraging her.”
His fingers simply twisted in the back of her t-shirt so that his knuckles ended up resting against her bare back.
Holy cow that had her blinking. His skin was so warm, her back so sensitive. Or maybe she was just that starved for a touch after her wild fantasies that she got excited about pretty much anything Matt did to her.
“Mrs Hubble,” he said, all innocence, “whatever do you mean?”
“I saw you jump the fence as soon as you saw another man at our Lori’s place.” The wagging finger switched to Lori. “You saucy girl, you.”
“Yeah,” said Matt. “You saucy girl.”
“Mrs Hubble, I assure you it was nothing.” Lori didn’t know whether to be horrified that her elderly neighbour was indulging her romantic notions by hinting at anything being between her and Tommy, or laugh. Or die of embarrassment.
“I know how you modern girls think.” Mrs Hubble winked again. “Ménage a trios, isn’t that what they call it?”
Lori’s mouth dropped open.
“Having that handsome café owner and our handsome paramedic.”
Now she was horrified. “Mrs Hubble! No!”
“Absolutely not,” Matt agreed. “Lori wouldn’t be involved in a ménage a trios.”
Thank God, that would put a stop to any gossip. Lori almost sagged with relief. It had been threatening to get out of hand and-
“And I don’t share my woman.”
“Really?” Mrs Hubble’s expression was like a hungry vulture circling helpless prey.
“So, Lori, if you’re not going out with Tommy, you’re going out with-”
“No-one!” Lori shook her head. “I’m not going out with-”
“Tommy,” Matt said helpfully. “She’s not going out with Tommy, Mrs Hubble. Now, I must go.” He gave Lori a big grin, released her t-shirt, smoothed it down with a sweep of his hand that she felt all the way down to her toes, and stepped down off the veranda. “I’ll see you later, love. This wilderness of a garden is calling to me. Bye, Mrs Hubble.”
“’Bye, dear.” Her gaze followed him all the way to the fence, watching with eagle eyes as he easily hauled himself back over it. She certainly didn’t miss the grin he aimed at Lori right before he went out of sight into the backyard, the side gate clicking shut behind him.
Those eagle eyes flashed back to Lori, but she was already halfway in her door. “Gotta go, Mrs Hubble! Have a nice day!” Before her neighbour could pry anymore, Lori yanked the door shut.
Standing in the hallway, she closed her eyes.
One, she could still feel Matt’s knuckles resting against her skin. Wow.
Two, Matt in a teasing mood was both infuriating, surprising, and downright…hot. She’d wanted to both smack him and hug him. Smack him for stirring up the gossip - Mrs Hubble was going to have a field day - and hug him for standing beside her.
Except he hadn’t really helped her. Had he? Well of course he had, he’d told Mrs Hubble that Lori wasn’t going out with Tommy. Or out with him. He’d said that, hadn’t he?
Hadn’t he?
Staring unseeingly at the small, oval mirror on the wall, Lori ran her tongue over her lips. Hadn’t he? Then again, he hadn’t said they were going out together, which they weren’t, so…
After several seconds she shook her head, throwing back her shoulders and turning around to limp down the hallway towards the kitchen. Matt had just been teasing, there was nothing behind it.
Sticking the kettle under the tap, she stared at his house through the kitchen window. He’d seen Tommy, heard his tone and come to her rescue, that was one certainty. While she preferred to fight her own battles, she had to admit to a small fissure of warmth at the memory of him coming over to ensure she was okay. He had that way of making her feel
He’d just been Matt, though, Matt the paramedic, Matt the neighbour, Matt the friend, Matt the man who cared about others. He’d been keeping an eye on her, the sister of his friend’s fiancée. Yeah, that was it.
The thought was a downer, though she tried to ignore it.
Pouring the hot water into a cup, she dipped the tea bag up and down several times. Now that she thought back, she had a feeling Tommy had been going on about her seeing him leave that house the other morning. He certainly hadn’t been happy leaving it, he hadn’t been happy seeing her, in fact, Tommy wasn’t a happy man full stop.
An unhappy, angry man.
Maybe she should just go to the café and see what was wrong, ask him what had him tied up in knots and why he was so angry with her. One thing she hated was being caught in the middle of something of which she had no knowledge.
After adding a small amount of milk to the tea, she wandered over to the back door, opening it to step out onto the veranda. No sooner had she done so than she heard music coming from the yard next door.
Being on the veranda gave her an advantage point, and she looked across to see Matt in his backyard, the radio on the wooden table switched on, and Matt standing with his back to her, his head tipped back as he lifted a bottle of water to his mouth to drink.
His shirt was gone. Lori’s mouth went dry, her eyes widening then narrowing in appreciation. From his low-slung shorts upwards, Matt Winters was naked, the muscles bunching in his back, stretching, flexing as he moved. His head tilted forward, the muscles in his arms moving under the smooth, tanned skin as he lowered the bottle and recapped it. His waist was lean, his stomach flat, his muscles…oh God, he made her mouth water.
It also made the forgotten cup in her hand tip, the hot tea splashing over to land on her hand.
In a matter of seconds she swore out loud, realised Matt would hear and swing around to see her gawking at him, and she leaped back into the kitchen, the door swinging shut in front of her. Staring at the screen door, the tea now splashed across the lino, she sighed dispiritedly, feeling strangely let down.
If only…if only…
But there was no ‘if only’. Fantasy was one thing, real life the other. Reality was that she was imagining a lot of things. Reality was that she had things to do, an aching ankle bandaged by a nice neighbour, and other nosey neighbours who loved a good gossip. Oh yes, and one angry man she decided she had to face before he decided to come around to her house again. The last thing she wanted to happen, not when Mrs Hubble was peering out of her windows hoping to catch the latest happenings.